258 research outputs found

    Ex Ante Impact Assessment of Policies Affecting Land Use, Part B: Application of the Analytical Framework

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    The use of science-based tools for impact assessment has increasingly gained focus in addressing the complexity of interactions between environment, society, and economy. For integrated assessment of policies affecting land use, an analytical framework was developed. The aim of our work was to apply the analytical framework for specific scenario cases and in combination with quantitative and qualitative application methods. The analytical framework was tested for two cases involving the ex ante impact assessment of: (1) a European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) financial reform scenario employing a modeling approach and combined with a comprehensive indicator analysis and valuation; and (2) a regional bioenergy policy scenario, employing a fully participatory approach. The results showed that European land use in general is less sensitive to changes in the Common Agricultural Policy, but in the context of regions there can be significant impacts on the functions of land use. In general, the implementation of the analytical framework for impact assessment proved to be doable with both methods, i.e., with the quantitative modeling and with the qualitative participatory approach. A key advantage of using the system of linked quantitative models is that it makes possible the simultaneous consideration of all relevant sectors of the economy without abstaining from a great level of detail for sectors of particular interest. Other advantages lie in the incontestable character of the results. Based on neutral, existing data with a fixed set of settings and regions, an absolute comparability and reproducibility throughout Europe can be maintained. Analyzing the pros and cons of both approaches showed that they could be used complementarily rather than be seen as competing alternatives

    A texture component crystal plasticity finite element method for scalable anisotropy simulations

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    This progress report introduces a crystal plasticity finite element method which includes and updates the texture of polycrystalline matter for physically based simulations of large strain forming operations. The approach works by directly mapping a set of discrete texture components into a crystal plasticity finite element method. The method is well suited for industrial applications since it is formulated on the basis of existing commercial software solutions. The study gives an overview of the new texture component crystal plasticity finite element method and presents examples

    Landscape Scenarios and Multifunctionality: Making Land Use Impact Assessment Operational

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    Ex ante impact assessment can help in structuring the analysis of human-environment interactions thereby supporting land use decision making for sustainable development. The contributions to this special feature focus on some of the challenges of making land use impact assessment operational for policy making. A total of nine papers deal with the needs and uses of assessment tools for policy making at the European level, with the value-based influence in scenario development, and with ex ante impact assessment studies in different contexts, spatial systems, and for different purposes and user groups. The concept of landscape multifunctionality was implicitly or explicitly employed as an integrating entity between socioeconomic and biogeophysical features of a spatial system. Three major aspects were revealed that could improve the relevance of the policy of land use impact assessment: the involvement of decision makers early on in the design of the impact assessment study; the integration of quantitative analysis with participatory valuation methods; and the robust and transparent design of the analytical methods

    Focus and Application Options

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    LIAISE Policy Brief No. 5 on "Scientific tools in Europe: focus and application options" has just been published. Policy Impact Assessment (IA) has been an obligatory procedure in the legislative process within the EU since 2002. It has to identify the likely impacts on sustainable development (specifically the social, environmental and economic impacts) of all major policy strategies and instruments prior to actual implementation. The link between IA and sustainable development is rooted in the 2006 renewed Sustainable Development Strategy. IA also provides the legal basis to feed scientific evidence into the policy process and to base policy-making on scientifically robust tools and results. In line with the recognition of the importance of IA for sound sustainable policies, the EC (DG Research and Innovation) has funded through the Framework Programmes (FP) 6 and 7 research supporting knowledge creation in this field. This policy brief presents an analysis of tools developed in the context of FP6 and FP7 undertaken by the LIAISE project. This assessment focused on the following interests of IA practitioners as tool users: Which policy area(s) do the tools address? Which impact area(s) are covered by the tools? Which jurisdictional level(s) can the tools be applied at? How can the tools be categorized? There exists a wide variety of tools that comprises: Quantitative and qualitative tools, such as models, scenarios, multi-criteria analysis and participatory tools, Tool components, such as indicators, databases and comprehensive analytic methods, Evaluation frameworks, toolboxes and platforms etc. serving as a higher level system for tool selection or tool linkage. These results are based on an analysis of 203 research projects designing tools for IA funded in FP6 and 7. The results shall contribute to addressing the science-policy interface of IA by identifying possible challenges for tool users and tool suppliers with respect to tool development and selection

    Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Bodennutzungen und Bodenfunktionen

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    Böden stehen im Spannungsfeld verschiedener Ziele der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Neben der Produktivität als Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherheit geht es um den Erhalt der Funktionsfähigkeit terrestrischer Ökosysteme und um den Beitrag zum Klimaschutz durch Kohlenstoffspeicherung und Verminderung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Eine Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung erfordert die Analyse, wie Bodenfunktionen sich durch das Management von Böden verändern, und welche Folgen für die Ziele der nachhaltigen Entwicklung entstehen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms „BonaRes – Boden als nachhaltige Ressource für die Bioökoonomie“ haben wir einen analytischen Rahmen entwickelt, um die Wirkungen von Bodenbewirtschaftungen und Bodenfunktionen auf Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu bewerten und Trade-offs zu identifizieren. Während die systemischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bodenbewirtschaftung und Bodenfunktionen Gegenstand einer anderen Arbeitsgruppe sind, geht es hier um die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den natürlichen und gesellschaftlichen Systemen. Der Bewertungsansatz nutzt das DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) Konzept als Grundstruktur und kombiniert die beiden komplementären Ansätze der Ökosystemleistungen und der Ressourceneffizienz miteinander. Die Verbindung zwischen Bodenfunktionen und Nachhaltigkeitszielen wird damit für verschiedene Zeit- und Raumdimensionen abbildbar. Wir stellen den analytischen Rahmen vor und geben erste Beispiele für seine Anwendung

    Do Current European Policies Prevent Soil Threats and Support Soil Functions?

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    There is currently no legislation at the European level that focuses exclusively on soil conservation. A cross-policy analysis was carried out to identify gaps and overlaps in existing EU legislation that is related to soil threats and functions. We found that three soil threats, namely compaction, salinization and soil sealing, were not addressed in any of the 19 legislative policies that were analyzed. Other soil threats, such as erosion, decline in organic matter, loss of biodiversity and contamination, were covered in existing legislation, but only a few directives provided targets for reducing the soil threats. Existing legislation addresses the reduction of the seven soil functions that were analyzed, but there are very few directives for improving soil functions. Because soil degradation is ongoing in Europe, it raises the question whether existing legislation is sufficient for maintaining soil resources. Addressing soil functions individually in various directives fails to account for the multifunctionality of soil. This paper suggests that a European Soil Framework Directive would increase the effectiveness of conserving soil functions in the EU

    Groene grond in ruimtelijke perspectieven

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    De langetermijngrondmarkteffecten van de ruimtelijke perspectieven Palet (geen ruimtelijke ordening) en Stedenland+ (huidige situatie met stedelijke ontwikkeling langs de internationale vervoersassen) lopen nogal uiteen. Zo is er in Palet sprake van een ongesegmenteerde grondmarkt met relatief hoge 'agrarische' grondprijzen in het landelijk gebied, van versnipperd grondgebruik en een hoge grondmobiliteit. In Stedenland+ zijn er grote grondprijsverschillen tussen de diverse stedelijke en niet-stedelijke segmenten en is er sprake van hoge agrarische grondprijzen wanneer voor de landbouw wordt uitgegaan van evenwichtsbemesting. Grond voor wonen en werken is in Stedenland+ relatief duur omdat het daarvoor ter beschikking staande areaal kunstmatig schaars wordt gehouden. De uitbreiding van de Ecologische Hoofd Structuur kan daarentegen tegen lage kosten binnen het agrarische segment worden gerealiseerd, indien bij grondeigenaren niet de verwachting wordt gewekt dat 'rood voor groen betaalt'

    Anisotropie, Textur, Umformtechnik

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    konventionelle Methoden – Fließortkonzepte; Beispiele – Näpfchenziehversuch; neue Methode – Texturkomponenten in Kristall-Plastizitäts FE; Experimente – Texturen und Blechprüfung
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